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Virtual Staff Benefits



Best Job Employment Candidate


High Caliber Candidate Pool

Larger and more Talented Candidate Pool



Virtual staffing platforms eliminate geographical boundaries.


With just one click, you can connect with the brightest minds from across the globe.


Before the virtual staffing platforms became integrated into the recruiting process, recruiters were often limited to the talent within their geographical area. Now, as the recruiting process is more virtual than ever, this is no longer the case.


When it comes to the recruiting process, virtual staffing platforms have changed it for the better. Recruiters now have access to a broader, more diverse talent pool without the added time and expenditures of manual recruiting.


As technology continues to advance, the recruiting process will surely continue to take positive strides.


The importance of this factor is strong enough to either leave a dent in your expense reports or allow your organization to stand out.


A larger candidate pool, assures better hires, more talented individuals that are more motivated which lead to high productivity and efficiency.


This fact lowering turnover, which reduces lost time of productivity and recruiting, hiring and training costs. It also allows organizations to have a better position when negotiating salaries with employees.


The same college educated, well experienced accountant in Washington DC cost a company on average $44.81 an hour and over $93K in annual salary, when they can be hired in North Carolina for $34.30 an hour and at $73K annual salary.


This is a difference of $20,000 annually for 1 employee for just hiring an employee a fee miles away and allowing them to use the technology to communicate and work for your organization!!!



Salary Comparison by State


|| Admin Assistant Salary by State || Accountant Salary by State || Customer Service Rep Salary by State || Financial Analyst Salary by State || Sales Rep Salary by State ||


Virtual Staff Benefits


|| Cost of Recruiting || Internal HR vs. External HR || Turnover Cost || What an Employee Really Costs || Virtual vs Traditional Salary Comparison ||


Virtual Staff Efficiency Report

Attracting Great Employment Candidates



Attracting Great Employment Candidates

Job candidates are active on LinkedIn



Job Candidate Recruiting



of Candidates find that job ads that include recruiter jargon are annoying and frustrating.




Attracting Great Job Candidates


5 in 10

job applicants say an employers Facebook page is more useful than a website



Improving Your Job Applicant Pool


Improve Job Applicant Pool



of job candidates who go through OnBoarding stay at least 3 years




New Hires

New Hires make up their mind during the first 6 months about whether to leave.



New Hires

of all New Hires leave Voluntarily within the first 3 months



Looking for a new job

More than 1/3 of New Hires look for a new job within the first 6 months on the job